Friday, January 04, 2008

Funny Night Terrors

Ok, they aren't really all that funny. In fact, they're pretty scary. For the past two weeks or so, every other night or so, Will wakes up between 9 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. shouting out some pretty crazy stuff.

It's obvious that he's asleep, and some crazy stuff comes out of his mouth. Sometimes he acts like he's trying to find one of us, where's Mommy/Daddy, etc. Most of it doesn't make much sense. His body will flex, muscles tense up big time, and he isn't aware of us holding him or talking to him.

When he goes into this mode, we quickly take him downstairs, turn on the TV to a show he likes, and wait till it passes. He'll suddenly stop, his eyes will focus, and it's as if nothing happens. No memory of it at all.

Last night, he asked me about it, and I told him that he's been telling us that roses are RED in a loud way, then he'll switch to -- NO BLUE -- then WAIT GREEN! This sends him into howls of laughter -- he can't believe that his "terrors" are about something so crazy silly. It's pretty funny stuff to him!

Here's hoping this part of his development comes and goes pretty quickly.


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